Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to stop snoring during pregnancy?

Hi James I ran across this blog while looking for a cure to my snoring. My name is Katty an I'm 7 months pregnant. It seem like in the last few weeks I have started snoring. My doctor said this is very common in pregnant women to developed a snoring habit. It has to do with the hormones and how they affect our muscle tissue while we are carrying a baby. Well its really affecting my husband he can't sleep in the same room as me. It really is that bad, he actually recorded me snoring to show me how loud I am.
I found your blog and I been reading it time and time again these are some wonderful recoveries. I am going to try the exercises now, I hope to have the same affect as the many recovered snorers on your blog. I will email you back within the next week and let you know how its going.


Hi katty sorry to hear about your snoring problem, and that your husband is not in the same room with you. Thanks for reading the blog, and I hope the stop snoring exercise works for you. I will be wait for your email I hope you give me good news to post. thanks!!

and keep them emails coming.

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