Friday, April 3, 2009

Simple snoring exercises

Snoring is a problem which frustrates and keeps awake many people of all nationalities and in all geographical regions of the world. Snoring is truly a global phenomenon and can be a cause of personal stress and put pressure on relationships. Thus you will not be surprised to learn that there is a large and growing marketplace filled with advice and products to help people stop snoring. In very serious cases, surgery may be recommended by the medical profession, but for the vast majority of people there is a plethora of alternative 'stop snoring' treatments and products. In this article we will look at how exercises may help with the problem of snoring.

There are two categories of 'exercise' that we can consider. The first type is general exercise which is aimed at developing fitness and controlling body weight. The second type of exercise that we shall mention are exercises which are specific to areas of the body related to snoring, such as the jaw and airways.

We shall focus on general exercise first. It has long been recorded that being overweight is a common contributor to the problem of snoring. Thus losing excess weight should help to promote more restful sleep by curbing the tendency to snore. Losing weight through incorporating a moderate exercise program into one's daily regime will further help to control snoring, as it has been noted that exercise itself has a beneficial effect on snoring. Possibly this is due to the muscles and other areas involved in the breathing process becoming more toned and efficient.

It is important to realise that we are talking about moderate, not strenuous exercise. The exercise need not be strenuous to help with snoring. Even something as simple as walking each day will do the job. The important thing is that the activity becomes part of your regular routine. You should therefore choose to do something that you enjoy and that you will continue to do. Also adding a bit of variety will help with motivation. Perhaps, for example, you could add swimming to your routine once a week. How about cycling in the Summer? Just keep a moderately active way of life and you may well see your snoring reduce or even stop. Remember, stopping snoring is just one of the benefits you can receive by becoming more active. Your general health and sense of well being will also improve. Go for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snoring exercises are aimed at strengthening your muscles in your mouth which are some of the most common causes of snoring. Therefore by strengthening it you can prevent snoring from happening in the first place.

how can i stop snoring